Friday, 28 March 2008


Hello, this is yet another addition to the list of British comic/storypaper related blogs - The Union Jack Index! I aim to chronicle the stories published in the venerable Union Jack storypaper, from 1894 up to it's death in 1933. For most of it's life if featured tales of the detective Sexton Blake, but in the early days contained numerous Boys' Own adventure yarns.

My collection of UJ's is far from complete, so the blog is likely to be rather out of order as i jump around the collection (i do have the first 25 issues in a volume though). I'm also a student so can't really afford to buy loads and loads of antique books until later in life. I'm also none too familiar with the blog software, so we'll have to see how it goes.

Most of these "comic index" things simply give you lists of the titles of the main story... and that's it. I however plan to post overviews/reviews of all the stories i can read, information on the serials contained and even interesting information from the editorial page (one early issue mentions the OPENING of Tower Bridge!)

I also self-publish my own comic called "The Red, White & Blue" which i see as an (unworthy, but nobody else is doing it) sucessor to the UJ in a way, some posts will contain information on that, though for most things about it, go to

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